Year: Autumn 2023
Class: Design Media 3
Independent Project
Techniques: Adobe Premiere Pro
In this one-week project, we explored cinemagraphs, a captivating art form that infuses motion into still images. Our objective for this assignment is to bring spaces to life using three compositing techniques by isolating a specific part of the subject to move while the rest remains still.
I brought my kitchen themed cinemagraph to life by using various compositing techniques on three separate elements. First, for the window, I incorporated a video of autumn trees and applied several techniques to enhance its appearance. I resized the image to cover the entire window area, cropping out specific sections of the video to align with a branch just as the original photo had. Next, I masked each layer to line up with the window frame as well as move around the apron and table in the scene. To intensify the trees, I duplicated both of these layers and used the "multiply" blend mode. Finally, I adjusted the opacity to 43% and reduced the speed to 75% to create a slower fall of the leaves. The second element I added was the water flowing from the sink. I imported a video featuring streaming water, adjusted its proportions to match those of the sink in the still image. Following this, I applied a mask to isolate the water, selected the "hard light" blend mode, and duplicated the layer twice to intensify its effect. The final element was the oven smoke, which came from a video with a black background. By choosing the "Lighten" blend mode, it removed the black backdrop, eliminating the need for additional editing. After, I rotated the smoke layer by 90 degrees and resized it to fit the dimensions of the oven. To engage the viewer and add onto the storytelling aspect, I added soft jazz music for background noise within the cinemagraph.
My cinemagraph breakdown demonstrates all of the layers/masks that I created which are identified with lower third titles and call-outs.